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Planning and Zoning
Planning and Zoning
Mon - Thurs: 8 am - 5 pm
Informational Docs
The following documents are in Adobe Acrobat format and will open in a separate window. Closing or minimizing the document will bring you back to this page. Click on the title of the document.
Information on aspects of rural living to make the transition smoother, procedures for permits, fees, etc. (Homeowners packet is being edited to reflect current Planning and Zoning Regs. Please visit the Planning and Zoning Office for the newest version.)
An overview and organizational chart of Custer County government.
The fees for permits, variances and various requests. Also listed in the Homeowner's Packet. (Schedule of fees is being edited at this time to reflect current Planning and Zoning Regs. Please visit the Planning and Zoning Office for the latest version.)
Master Plan - 2016
(2.7 MB)
This amended Custer County Master Plan was adopted on March 22, 2016.
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan (3.4MB)
The County, in conjunction with the towns of Silver Cliff and Westcliffe has adopted the Regional Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan. This plan is for the counties of Chaffee, Custer, Fremont and Lake.
Community Wildfire Protection Plan
The Custer County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) was organized to study countywide wildfire hazards and risks, and to determine community priorities and strategies for action.
A USGS website with a distributed water database containing surface water, groundwater, and water quality data.
Regulatory Documents
The following documents are in Adobe Acrobat format and will open in a separate window. Closing or minimizing the document will bring you back to this page. Click on the title of the document.
(4.1 MB)
Zoning Resolution as revised 2024
Proposed Zoning Resolution 2024
Zoning Map
(793 KB)
Zoning districts map
State On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) Regulations
(477 KB)
State regulations related to On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS)
County On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) Regulations
(Adopted October 5, 2016)
(510 KB)
County additions to the state On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) regulations
Subdivision Regulations (July 2011)
(772 KB)
Current subdivision regulations adopted July 29, 2011
Special Event Permits
(340 KB)
Regulations concerning permits for special events (Adopted May 2, 2007)
Right to Farm and Ranch Resolution
(13 KB)
Adopted in November 1998
Airport Protection Overlay District
(800 KB)
Airport Survey Map
(250 KB)
Airport Protection Overlay District Resolution for SilverWest Airport
May 2, 2006
Permits and Variance Requests
The following applications may be printed and the completed application may be mailed to the Planning and Zoning Office along with the additional required documents and the applicable fee. The application forms are in Adobe Acrobat to ensure uniformity when printed. Applications are forms that may be filled in while on-line and then printed.
To navigate in these forms, the cursor will turn into an I bar when in fields that may be typed or a hand over fields that may be checked. Tab will move to the next field, and shift-tab will move to the previous field.
If you haven't installed Adobe Acrobat Reader, you need to in order to open these applications.
Each form will open in a new window so that minimizing or closing the form will bring you back to this page.
Price List(Click Here)
Septic Variances:
For engineer designed septic system, use the standard Septic Permit form.
Maps are in PDF or JPG format. These may take a few minutes to open depending your connection speed.
It is recommended that you right click on the map title or map image and click "Save Target as" or "Save Link as".
Most of these maps are available in larger sizes up to 36" x 60" for a nominal cost. Please contact the GIS Department at or stop in at the Zoning Office.